I will try because my dream is to be a boxer. Boxing is our life, our history. My grandfather was a boxer and my father was a boxer.
My name is Baba and I come from Ghana. Back in Ghana, I was training boxing. I used to do that because that is what my father was, so he trained me to be a boxer. I didn’t use to go to school there, all my dedication was to step up and be a boxer.
I left my country in 2018. I lived all my life there, but then my father passed away and it was a really difficult moment for me. I couldn’t stay in Ghana anymore, so one of my friends was planning to go to Algeria and said that if I wanted I could follow him. So I went to Algeria and started working there. I stayed there for 9 months. Then we came to Barcelona.

When I arrived, I was on the outside in the streets for three days. My friend had people who he knew here so he left. So it was only me alone on the street. It was very difficult. Someone told me that I had to go to the police and tell my history to them so they would help me. So I went there and they took me to the Red Cross and then to the center. And now I have been here for almost 9 months.
I love everything about Barcelona. I like the beach, the park, I enjoy it. And I love the people in Barcelona, they are very handsome. I have friends in the center and the outside. Since I came here I have been studying. Before I was going to school but now it is closed and we make it online. I enjoy learning Spanish because I love to speak a lot of languages. I can communicate with anyone that I want. Sometimes no one knows you and you don’t know anyone but if you understand the language is easier. In my country, we speak almost 6 languages. My father and mother language are Kasem. I speak Kasam, Fante, Twi, Frafra, English…
And about my future… The future now is very difficult, you know. What I was doing in Ghana was planning to be a boxer. Here, I didn’t find boxing training to go. So now it is complicated. But this is what I was planning when I was young so I think I am not going to lose it. I will try because my dream is to be a boxer. Boxing is our life, our history. My grandfather was a boxer and my father was a boxer. They didn’t get the opportunity to be in the big touring, but I think I am going to do that.

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Amanda Vieira