“Untold Stories” is a youth initiative, dedicated to telling the stories of people who have made their home in Barcelona. This platform aims to engage more with people who have inspiring stories to share, thus revealing the richness and diversity of the cultures that meet in this city every day. Through interviewing people from different backgrounds and cultures, we would like to promote a sense of solidarity and intercultural dialogue, at the same time illustrating the fact that we are all different, each of us in our unique way.

Open Cultural Center
Improve the life quality and promote the social inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers through education and community activities in transit areas.
Open Cultural Center (OCC), previously known as Idomeni Cultural Center (ICC), is an organization formed by volunteers that carry out both educational and cultural programs with refugees currently living in the camps in Greece.
The OCC was set up in early April 2016 and came from a collective initiative from independent volunteers working in the Idomeni refugee camps. Refugees and international volunteers worked together to give classes and create a safe environment for children as well as adults, where these could continue to learn despite living in the camps.
The ICC also hosted cultural activities and events such as art and music classes, open-mic performances and movie nights. In Idomeni, the Cultural Center quickly turned into a significant resource in the camp, with over 150 children and over 80 adults attending the classes and events.