Lana, Kiev
Three days ago, they tried to leave by train together with six animals. It was a very bad idea, as much as possible. From personal experience, we realized that the train is definitely not an option, just 100%.
I am 26 years old, I have staying in Kyiv with my beloved, our five cats, and a dog since 2019.
I come from the Luhansk region. In the province where I lived, the war began in 2014. Exactly three days after my graduation. My family didn’t manage to leave, I lived in a war zone until 2019. From 2014 to 2016, they bombed constantly and heavily, then the bombing could be every 2 to 3 months. We called it “aggravation” and “calm before the storm”. Life there was like a hell of a Groundhog Day. In fact, this is not life, but survival.
When I moved to my girlfriend in Kyiv, I began to slowly move away from the experience of trash. It seemed to me that the war would forever remain in the past. Alas, I was wrong.
On February 24, we woke up to explosions. At first, they thought it was fireworks, a little later they decided that it was a terrorist attack. And then I went to the telegram and found out that the war had started all over Ukraine. At that moment, something in me died completely and irrevocably.
We immediately decided that either we were leaving together with the animals, or we were all staying at home together. Throwing them or giving them away is not an option from the word at all.
Three days ago, they tried to leave by train together with six animals. It was a very bad idea, as much as possible. From personal experience, we realized that the train is definitely not an option, just 100%.
A family from Germany is already waiting for us along with the animals, but the problem is precisely to get with a large number of pets across three borders — Ukrainian, Polish, and German. While we are moving away from the train (a terrible nightmare happened there) and we hope that a rocket will not be thrown into our house. We sleep on the floor in the hallway, next to the bathroom”
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