I have very fond memories of my country. But what I miss the most is the beach and the food. I really like warm cities, so my best memories are going to the beach with my family. And the food... I miss that. I really miss my land so my memories are directly connected to that.
My name is Andrea Sierra, I am 34 years old and I come from Venezuela. I was born in Venezuela, in Merida, specifically. My mom comes from Venezuela and my dad is Spanish, he came from Madrid. My childhood was really calm, I think typical. From 4 until 17 years old I studied in a nun school. It was only girls. I had swimming lessons, dance lessons. The school was very strict but the education there was very good.
I left Venezuela because I had this curiosity about living abroad and I always thought about living in another country. One day, my friends from the university told me about opportunities to study abroad. I was curious so I thought “let’s do that”. The first country I moved to was Ireland. I was working there and studying English. When I moved there, it was a bit shocking because it was wintertime and I wasn’t used to be in the winter environment, because I am from Venezuela.

After some time and a lot of changes in my life, I came to Barcelona to work. I was working for one company and they had a new position to work here in Barcelona, that is why I came. It was difficult because I came and then with the COVID situation, we got fired, all of us. It was hard because it was during the covid time so it was complicated – you couldn’t find a job that easily. But before that, when I arrived here the first challenge was that I didn’t like the city at all. I didn’t like to be here, but I was already here, so I had to face it. After summertime, I changed my mind. It is not the best city ever, but I like it. I really like the beach here, just as I liked when I was in Venezuela. When I am alone, I usually go and walk around. With my friends, I like to go out and drink, I like partying. I also like to go around and discover the city, some tourist places, and get every time more familiar with the city.
I don’t know very much about the future. So far I am working. It is most likely I am getting back because I lived there for 5 years, I have my friends there, I had a super good time and I feel connected to it. Paris is the place I lived the longest after leaving Venezuela. Apart from that, maybe in the future I just to be stable and to have peace. That is really important. To have peace is the best thing you can do. If you have peace in your mind and in your soul, you can do whatever you want. So that is my dream. Your home is whatever you are, so if you have peace and you are okay with yourself you can do whatever you want whenever you want.
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