“ I think what I like the most are the people. Even if it is not the same bond as you have with your family and friends back in your country. ”
I kinda miss that because I found here nice people which I call my friends and they are really close and I love them but it is not like the same bond you can share.
I am Ruben Adarme, I am from Venezuela and 29 years old and I have been living here for one year and a half. Back in Venezuela I can say I was one of the lucky ones. I guess you heard about what was going on there. During my childhood we were below medium class, but after that my family had a farm, a really big one. So in a few years the farm started making a lot of money. We were not rich but we started having a better life. After that, all this crisis started and we went back to medium class. But the medium class is slowly disappearing in Venezuela. It is either you have a lot of money which is very few people or you are really poor. I guess I had a normal life and
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