

“ I think what I like the most are the people. Even if it is not the same bond as you have with your family and friends back in your country. ”
I kinda miss that because I found here nice people which I call my friends and they are really close and I love them but it is not like the same bond you can share.
I am Ruben Adarme, I am from Venezuela and 29 years old and I have been living here for one year and a half. Back in Venezuela I can say I was one of the lucky ones. I guess you heard about what was going on there. During my childhood we were below medium class, but after that my family had a farm, a really big one. So in a few years the farm started making a lot of money. We were not rich but we started having a better life. After that, all this crisis started and we went back to medium class. But the medium class is slowly disappearing in Venezuela. It is either you have a lot of money which is very few people or you are really poor. I guess I had a normal life and
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“ I would like of course to show that the labor market in Russia, Ukraine, Bielorussia, and some post-soviet countries is not like a wild world. It is a great market with great candidates and interesting employees. ”
I had a happy childhood, not without difficulties. My favorite memory is every summer. We would go to the countryside of my grandmother with all my cousins. It was happy because we didn't have to think much, grandma was cooking for us all the time, you know, nice holidays.
I was born in a family of two young parents. My mom got pregnant when she was 19 and my father was 22 at that moment. I think that was the biggest reason they got divorced very quickly. A few years later my mom decided to move and we moved to Edinburgh, very far from my hometown. I was changing schools oftenly. So I was a child who was never staying put, I was always traveling somewhere. I think that it is something that was already in my blood because later I never wanted to stay in my hometown when I was growing up.
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“ I remain optimist about what the future may hold, especially for my wife and children. ”
I have to take care of them so that their own future will not be the way I lived my life.
My name is Sunday, I’m from Nigeria, and I’m soon to be 40 years old. More specifically, I come from the Edo State, situated in Southern Nigeria, which is predominantly catholic. I’ve been living in Barcelona for the last 14 years. Yet I still have not received my papers  which would allow me to work legally. I spend my nights sleeping in an occupied house in  the outskirts of the city, along with my pregnant wife and 2-year-old daughter.
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“ My favorite memories are food, nature, being with my family doing road trips. ”
My favorite memories are food, nature, being with my family doing road trips. It sounds amazing, of course, there were a lot of struggles and economical issues but I feel as soon as I left my home country I appreciated more what I had.
In 2014, the revolution started in Ukraine and at that time I was working in a political party as a prosecutor for the opposition party. I was very confident and convinced that I could help to change the future, change my country for the better like to be in the European Union. Unfortunately, it did not work well. It was a difficult time so when I finished my university, and my work at a political party I decided to leave the country for good. I found a European project that could economically help. Then, I did the application process, and it last 6 months until one Spanish organization selected me as a volunteer. After that, I applied for a Visa to come to Spain. In 2015 July, I arrived to participate in that project which was related to Erasmus.  
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“ If you have peace in your mind and in your soul, you can do whatever you want. ”
I have very fond memories of my country. But what I miss the most is the beach and the food. I really like warm cities, so my best memories are going to the beach with my family. And the food... I miss that. I really miss my land so my memories are directly connected to that.
My name is Andrea Sierra, I am 34 years old and I come from Venezuela. I was born in Venezuela, in Merida, specifically. My mom comes from Venezuela and my dad is Spanish, he came from Madrid. My childhood was really calm, I think typical. From 4 until 17 years old I studied in a nun school. It was only girls. I had swimming lessons, dance lessons. The school was very strict but the education there was very good. I left Venezuela because I had this curiosity about living abroad and I always thought about living in another country. One day, my friends from the university told me about opportunities to study abroad. I was curious so I thought “let’s do that”. The first country I moved to was Ireland. I was working there and studying English. When I moved
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“ 2 years ago I came to visit Barcelona as a tourist, I was in love with the city and I remember I said I wanted to live here. ”
Sometimes I feel I do not belong to the places where I go. I don't know if I should go back to Brazil and try to connect with my old friends and family. Sometimes I am here and I also do not feel connected with people. So my personal fulfillment would be to be in a place where I feel happy, surrounded by people that make me feel good.
I was 19 years old when I left. Me and my parents we always had a very good relationship, we have always been very close to each other. We are always together, we do sports together, meditate, we go jogging, we travel… a very good relationship. So coming here – especially being the younger daughter – leaving my parents and my sister, it was a shock. In Brazil, I  was living with my parents and my sister, I had a long-lasting relationship, I was a school coordinator and an English teacher. So I had a life that we can practically call “stable” and that was good. I worked, I studied, but to a certain extent, I was kind of accommodated. So this feeling of being accommodated – as well as the breaking up of my relationship, cause that made me
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“ I like the way people are here. The Catalans gave me their hands. ”
I like to live here because more than anything there is freedom. Freedom to work, to do whatever you want.
I believe I can’t ask for anything more from the life I had in my country because I had everything. There I had good opportunities as a small business owner.  In El Salvador I was always dedicated to my work, I had two taxis, four corn mills and I was able to earn some money and support my family. I also enjoyed working with electric welding and doing manual labor. I had grown up watching my father doing it. I learned everything from him, and that is why I liked it so much.  
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“ My mindset has radically changed since I moved to Europe. ”
Coming from a conservative Asian background, working around the clock is something that is very easily normalized and appreciated.
My name is Akshita and I am from India. I left India when I was 21. I had just finished college and a few internships and I left to pursue my master’s degree in Italy. I was living a “standard urban life”, a concept which is especially relevant to my city, Mumbai.  The city is busy and there is constantly something going on. I led a social and busy life which is something that almost everyone in Mumbai does.
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“ My goal is to embrace the infinite abundance NOW and this is enough, and the rest will just go with the flow, beautifully I suppose. ”
Today, I’m still living in Barcelona, I don’t see it the same way anymore, compared to when I just got here. It’s not a perfect city, just like any other “best cities” here. Otherwise, what’s the fun, right? It’s a city that offers a lot, but not an easy one to truly integrate with.
I grew up in a traditional middle-class family in Chengdu, where the Pandas are from, so pretty laid back. My parents are the kindest people, I’m so grateful for having them. My favorite memory is my 6 years in primary school, everything was so pure. With my classmates, we laughed and cried all together. Funny how 10-year-old kids know unity better back then.  So nostalgic when I think about it, real-time back in the 90s you know, I can still see those rising dust in the playground, those jumping figures in the summer haze. Then, the competition started to kick in at Middle school, especially for us the “one-child policy” generation. It was a hell of a lot of competition in school, no more spare time, only homework and extracurricular tutoring. High school was the beginning phase of western or
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“ I was able to go to beautiful places and met people who were friendly and others less so. ”
I expected OCC to be a complement to the previous programs that I had been a part of in Iraq and Greece, and to give me more positive ideas.
My childhood was as beautiful as any child with his parents could ask for. My family was from the educated class, made up of teachers and officers. In Iraq, I studied the fields of psychology, sociology, and politics. Then after an additional four years of study, I worked with a judge in the court for a year. I also had a shop selling underwear for women and worked as a taxi driver using my own car.  
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